A collection of observable based loaders built on top of rx-nostr
The ReplaceableLoader
class can be used to load profiles (kind 0), contact lists (kind 3), and any other replaceable (1xxxx) or parameterized replaceable event (3xxxx)
import { EventStore } from "applesauce-core";
import { ReplaceableLoader } from "applesauce-loaders/loaders";
import { createRxNostr, nip07Signer } from "rx-nostr";
import { verifier } from "rx-nostr-crypto";
export const eventStore = new EventStore();
export const rxNostr = createRxNostr({
signer: nip07Signer(),
connectionStrategy: "lazy-keep",
// create method to load events from the cache relay
function cacheRequest(filters: Filter[]) {
return new Observable((observer) => {
const sub = cacheRelay.subscribe(filters, {
onevent: (event) => observer.next(event),
oneose: () => {
const replaceableLoader = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr, {
bufferTime: 1000,
// check the cache first for events
cacheRequest: cacheRequest,
// lookup relays are used as a fallback if the event cant be found
lookupRelays: ["wss://purplepag.es/"],
// start the loader by subscribing to it
replaceableLoader.subscribe((packet) => {
// send all loaded events to the event store
eventStore.add(packet.event, packet.from);
// start loading some replaceable events
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
// load a parameterized replaceable event
kind: 30000,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
identifier: "list of bad people",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
// if no relays are provided only the cache and lookup relays will be checked
kind: 3,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
// passing a new relay will cause it to be loaded again
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://relay.westernbtc.com/"],
// or force it to load it again from the same relays
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
force: true,