

A collection of classes to for building blossom servers


Metadata storage

all metadata storage classes implement the IBlobMetadataStore interface

interface IBlobMetadataStore {
// blobs
hasBlob(sha256: string): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
getBlob(sha256: string): BlobMetadata | Promise<BlobMetadata>;
data: Omit<BlobMetadata, "url">,
): BlobMetadata | Promise<BlobMetadata>;
removeBlob(sha256: string): boolean | Promise<boolean>;

// blob owners
hasOwner(sha256: string, pubkey: string): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
addOwner(sha256: string, pubkey: string): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
removeOwner(sha256: string, pubkey: string): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
getOwnerBlobs(pubkey: string): BlobMetadata[] | Promise<BlobMetadata[]>;

SQLite Metadata store

The BlossomSQLite class can be used to store blob metadata in a sqlite database

import { BlossomSQLite } from "blossom-server-sdk/metadata/sqlite";

const metadataStore = new BlossomSQLite("./data/mysql.db");

await metadataStore.addBlob({
sha256: "b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553",
size: 184929,
type: "application/pdf",
uploaded: Math.floor( / 1000),

await metadataStore.addOwner(
// blob hash
// pubkey

const blobs = await metadataStore.getOwnerBlobs(

const orphaned = await metadataStore.getOrphanedBlobs();

for (let blob of orphaned) {
await metadataStore.removeBlob(blob.sha256);

Blob Storage

all storage classes implement the IBlobStorage interface

interface IBlobStorage {
setup(): Promise<void>;
hasBlob(sha256: string): Promise<boolean>;
writeBlob(sha256: string, stream: Readable, type?: string): Promise<void>;
getBlobSize(sha256: string): number | Promise<number>;
getBlobType(sha256: string): string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
readBlob(sha256: string): Promise<Readable>;
removeBlob(sha256: string): Promise<void>;

Local Storage

A class that uses the built-in fs module in node to store blobs in the file system

import { LocalStorage } from "blossom-server-sdk/storage/local";
import https from "https";

const storage = new LocalStorage("./data");
await storage.setup();

const sha256 =

https.get(new URL(sha256, ""), async (res) => {
const type = res.headers["content-type"];

// write the blob to storage with the optional type
await storage.writeBlob(sha256, res, type);

S3 Storage

A storage class that uses minio to store blobs in a s3 compatible API

import { S3Storage } from "blossom-server-sdk/storage/s3";
import https from "https";

const storage = new S3Storage("./data");
await storage.setup();

const sha256 =

https.get(new URL(sha256, ""), async (res) => {
const type = res.headers["content-type"];

// write the blob to s3 storage with the optional type
await storage.writeBlob(sha256, res, type);