The account classes are simple wrappers around various Signers and expose a toJSON
and fromJSON
method to let you save them to localStorage or indexeddb databases
Built-in account types
- ExtensionAccount is a wrapper around ExtensionSigner
- PasswordAccount is a wrapper around PasswordSigner
- NostrConnectAccount is a wrapper around NostrConnectSigner
- SimpleAccount is a wrapper around SimpleSigner
- SerialPortAccount is a wrapper around SerialPortSigner
- ReadonlyAccount is a wrapper around ReadonlySigner
- AmberClipboardAccount is a wrapper around AmberClipboardSigner
Creating new accounts
All account classes require the signer to be created and setup first
import { SimpleSigner } from "applesauce-signers/signers";
import { SimpleAccount } from "applesauce-accounts/accounts";
// create the signer first
const signer = new SimpleSigner();
// setup signer
const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
// create account
const account = new SimpleAccount(pubkey, signer);
For a nostr connect signer it would look something like
import { NostrConnectSigner } from "applesauce-signers/signers";
import { NostrConnectAccount } from "applesauce-accounts/accounts";
const signer = await NostrConnectSigner.fromBunkerURI("bunker://....");
const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
const account = new NostrConnectAccount(pubkey, signer);
Request queue
By default all accounts use a request queue, so the signer only gets on sign/encrypt/decrypt request at a time. This should make it safe to make a bunch of requests to the account without overloading the user
import { ExtensionSigner } from "applesauce-signers/signers";
import { ExtensionAccount } from "applesauce-accounts/accounts";
const signer = new ExtensionSigner();
const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
const account = new ExtensionAccount(pubkey, signer);
// make requests
account.signEvent({ kind: 1, content: "hello world", created_at: 0, tags: [] }).then((signed) => {
// make another without waiting
account.signEvent({ kind: 1, content: "creating spam", created_at: 0, tags: [] }).then((signed) => {
.decrypt("3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d", "encrypted-text")
.then((plaintext) => {
All the requests will be made one at a time in order, if any request fails (user rejects, signer timeout) then the queue will continue
The account.abortQueue(reason?: Error)
method can be used to abort all pending requests. this will cause all promises to throw with undefined
or reason
if it was passed to the abortQueue
To disable the request queue set account.disableQueue = false
directly after creating the account. it can also be disabled on the AccountManager
before any accounts are added
Custom account types
To create your own account type first your going to need to create a new signer class that implements Nip07Interface
Create a new signer class
class ApiSigner implements Nip07Interface {
nip04: {
encrypt: (pubkey: string, plaintext: string) => Promise<string> | string;
decrypt: (pubkey: string, ciphertext: string) => Promise<string> | string;
nip44: {
encrypt: (pubkey: string, plaintext: string) => Promise<string> | string;
decrypt: (pubkey: string, ciphertext: string) => Promise<string> | string;
constructor(public api: string) {
// extra boilerplate to make sure encryption methods are nested under .nip04 and .nip44
this.nip04 = {
encrypt: this.nip04Encrypt.bind(this),
decrypt: this.nip04Decrypt.bind(this),
this.nip44 = {
encrypt: this.nip44Encrypt.bind(this),
decrypt: this.nip44Decrypt.bind(this),
async getPublicKey(): Promise<string> {
const res = await fetch(this.api + "/get-public-key");
const json = await res.json();
return json.pubkey;
async signEvent(template: EventTemplate): Promise<NostrEvent> {
const res = await fetch(this.api + "/sign", { body: template, method: "POST" });
const json = await res.json();
return json.event;
nip04Encrypt(): string {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
nip04Decrypt(): string {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
nip44Encrypt(): string {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
nip44Decrypt(): string {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
Create a new account class
Next create a new account class that extends BaseAccount
to wrap the signer
import { SerializedAccount, BaseAccount } from "applesauce-accounts";
type ApiAccountSignerData = {
api: string;
// Its good practice to make the class have a generic type for metadata
export default class ApiAccount<Metadata extends unknown> extends BaseAccount<
> {
// NOTE: you must set the static type, otherwise it cant be used in the AccountManager
static type = "api-account";
// add a toJSON method that saves all relevant information for the account
toJSON() {
return {
// save basic account information
type: ApiAccount.type,
pubkey: this.pubkey,
metadata: this.metadata,
// save important signer data
signer: {
api: this.signer.api,
// add a static fromJSON method so it can be re-created when the app loads again
static fromJSON<Metadata extends unknown>(
json: SerializedAccount<ApiAccountSignerData, Metadata>,
): ApiAccount<Metadata> {
// create signer with saved data
const signer = new ApiSigner(json.signer.api);
// create new account class
const account = new ApiAccount(json.pubkey, signer);
// don't forget to call loadCommonFields, it sets the id and metadata
return super.loadCommonFields(account);
Add account type to account manager
Next you need to register the account type
Now you can create a new ApiSigner
and add it to the account manager
const signer = new ApiSigner("");
const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
const account = new ApiAccount(pubkey, signer);