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React Hooks


The useObservable hook is a thing wrapper around the useObservableState hook from observable-hooks that allows undefined to be passed

This is useful for subscribing to observables that are not created yet

const account = useActiveAccount(); // IAccount | null

const profileQuery = useMemo(() => {
  if (account) return queryStore.profile(account.pubkey);
  else return undefined;
}, [account]);

// profileQuery may be undefined
const profile = useObservable(profileQuery);


The useQueryStore hook can be used at access the QueryStore from anywhere in the react tree


The useEventStore hook can be used at access the EventStore from anywhere in the react tree


The useStoreQuery hook requires the QueryStoreProvider and can be used to create and run a query in the QueryStore and subscribe to the results

function UserAvatar({ pubkey }: { pubkey: string }) {
  const profile = useStoreQuery(ProfileQuery, [pubkey]);
	// profile will be undefined until the event is loaded

	return <img src={profile?.picture}/>


The useEventFactory hook can be used at access the EventFactory from anywhere in the react tree


The useActiveAccount hook requires the AccountsProvider and returns the currently active account or undefined


The useAccountManager hook requires the AccountsProvider and returns the AccountManager class


The useRenderedContent hook can be used to parse and render an events content into a JSX tree


The components directory should be defined outside of the component itself to avoid unnecessary re-renders

const event = { content: "hello world #grownostr", tags: [["t", "grownostr"]] };

// a directory of optional components to use when rendering the content
const components = {
  // render hashtags inline
  hashtag: ({ node }) => <a href={`/hashtag/${node.hashtag}`}>{}</a>,
  // custom NIP-30 emojis
  emoji: ({ node }) => <img src={node.url} style={{ width: "1.1em" }} />,

// A simple component to render an event
function SimpleNote({ event }) {
  const content = useRenderedContent(event, components);

  return (
        {event.pubkey} {event.created_at}

// render the event
<SimpleNote event={event} />;