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Event Factory

The EventFactory is a class is used to provide a Signer and relay hints to the Blueprints

Creating a factory

When creating a new event factory you can pass a context object in that is used by all blueprints

const signer = new SimpleSigner();

const factory = new EventFactory({
  // optionally pass a signer in (required for encryption)
  signer: signer,
  // optionally set a NIP-89 client
  client: {
    name: "My Awesome Client",
    address: {
      pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
      identifier: "awesome-client",

Relay hints

Relay hints can ge added to all event tags that support them by passing in getRelayHint and getPubkeyRelayHint methods into the context

const factory = new EventFactory({
  getRelayHint: async (event) => {
    // an async process to find the best relay hint for this event
    try {
      return await calculateRelayHint(event)
      return undefined
  getPubkeyRelayHint: async (pubkey) => {
    // an async process to find a relay hint for this pubkey
    return loadPubkeyMailboxes(pubkey).then((mailboxes) => getOutboxes(mailboxes)[0]);

Using a blueprint

The factory.create method can be used to create an event from a Blueprints

await factory.create(NoteBlueprint, "hello world");

Quick helper methods

Manually creating an event

The factory.process method can be used to create an event from an EventTemplate and Operations

import { includeSingletonTag, setContent, includeAltTag } from "applesauce-factory/operations";

await factory.process(
  { kind: 1063 },
  setContent("the bitcoin whitepaper"),
  includeAltTag("File metadata"),
  includeSingletonTag(["x", "b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553"]),
  includeSingletonTag(["size", "184292"]),
  includeSingletonTag(["m", "application/pdf"]),