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Actions are async operations apps can perform using the EventStore as the known state, the EventFactory to build new events, and a publish method to publish or save the resulting events

Action Hub

The ActionHub class is a simple manager that combines the event store, event factory, and publish methods into a single place and provides and easy way to run actions

import { ActionHub } from "applesauce-actions";

// custom publish logic
const publish = async (label: string, event: NostrEvent, explicitRelays?: string[]) => {
  console.log("Publishing", label, event);
  if (explicitRelays) {
    await app.relayPool.publish(event, explicitRelays);
  } else {
    await app.relayPool.publish(event, app.defaultRelays);

// create a new action hub with an event store, event factory, and custom publish method
const hub = new ActionHub(eventStore, eventFactory, publish);

What is an action


Running actions


Custom actions