The applesauce-loaders
package contains a bunch of loader classes built on top of rx-nostr
Event Loader pattern
All the event loader classes generally follow the same pattern, you create a new
instance and pass a rxNostr
instance into them along with options
// create a loader for loading a timeline of events
const timeline = new TimelineLoader(rxNostr, ...args);
// create a loader for fetching replaceable events (profiles, lists, etc)
const replaceable = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr, ...args);
Once the loader is created you MUST subscribe to it to start it. otherwise it wont fetch any events
// returned value is a rxjs Subscription
const sub = timeline.subscribe((packet) => {
console.log(packet.event, packet.from);
// at a later point, shut down the loader
Then once the loader is created and started you can start passing data to it. the type of data it takes depends on the specific loader but generally its done by calling the next
// load next page
// load next page up to a timestamp
// load a profile event from relays
replaceable.next({ kind: 0, pubkey: "<pubkey>", relays: ["wss://relay.example.com"] });
Loading from cache
Most of the loaders class can take a cacheRequest method that can be used to load events from a local cache. the method should return an rxjs Observable<NostrEvent>
that completes
function cacheRequest(filters: Filter[]) {
// Return an observable to stream the results
return new Observable(async (observer) => {
const events = await cacheDatabase.getEventsForFilters(filters)
for(let event of events){
const replaceableLoader = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr, {
cacheRequest: cacheRequest,
Additionally the loaders will use the markFromCache
method from applesauce-core
to mark the events as being from the cache, so you can safely add new events to the cache without creating a infinite loop
import { isFromCache } from "applesauce-core/helpers";
const replaceableLoader = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr, {
cacheRequest: cacheRequest,
replaceableLoader.subscribe((packet) => {
if (!isFromCache(packet.event)) {
// this is a new event, so add it to the cache
Replaceable loader
The ReplaceableLoader
class can be used to load any replaceable event from any relay
import { EventStore } from "applesauce-core";
import { ReplaceableLoader } from "applesauce-loaders/loaders";
import { createRxNostr, nip07Signer } from "rx-nostr";
import { verifier } from "rx-nostr-crypto";
export const eventStore = new EventStore();
export const rxNostr = createRxNostr({
signer: nip07Signer(),
connectionStrategy: "lazy-keep",
const replaceableLoader = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr, {
// lookup relays are used as a fallback if the event cant be found
lookupRelays: ["wss://purplepag.es/"],
Next to start the loader and subscribe to the relays you can call .subscribe
replaceableLoader.subscribe((packet) => {
// send all loaded events to the event store
eventStore.add(packet.event, packet.from);
Once the loader has been started you can call .next
to request the event
// request a replaceable event from the loader
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
// load a parameterized replaceable event
kind: 30000,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
identifier: "list of bad people",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
// if no relays are provided only the cache and lookup relays will be checked
kind: 3,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
// passing a new relay will cause it to be loaded again
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://relay.westernbtc.com/"],
// or force it to load it again from the same relays
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
force: true,
The replaceable loader class batches deduplicates requests under the hood, so there is no need to worry about spamming or requesting an event multiple times
const replaceableLoader = new ReplaceableLoader(rxNostr);
// Only one request will be sent to the relay
for(let i = 0; i < 100: i++){
kind: 0,
pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/"],
Timeline loader
The TimelineLoader class should be used to load any more than 500 events
import { TimelineLoader } from "applesauce-loaders";
const repliesTimeline = new TimelineLoader(
// create a simple request map. use the same filter for both relays
["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/", "wss://relay.example.com/"],
[{ kinds: [1], "#e": ["0000d5f3364a65771487f2c0705e35e70d215a7c6d204a1ccb859011803d8010"] }],
// start the loader by subscribing to it
repliesTimeline.subscribe((packet) => {
eventStore.add(packet.event, packet.from);
// load the first page
setTimeout(() => {
// load next page after 10s
}, 10_000);
Single event loader
The SingleEventLoader class can be used to batch load individual events. its useful for loading parent replies and quoted events
import { SingleEventLoader } from "applesauce-loaders";
const eventLoader = new SingleEventLoader(rxNostr);
// start the loader by subscribing to it
eventLoader.subscribe((packet) => {
eventStore.add(packet.event, packet.from);
// request an event
id: "0000d5f3364a65771487f2c0705e35e70d215a7c6d204a1ccb859011803d8010",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/", "wss://nostr.wine/", "wss://nos.lol/"],
Tag value loader
The TagValueLoader class can be used to load batches of events with an indexable set to a certain value
This can be used to load zaps, reactions, wiki pages, etc
import { TagValueLoader } from "applesauce-loaders";
// Create a loader that loads all zap kinds with an #e tag
const zapsLoader = new TagValueLoader(rxNostr, "e", { name: "zaps", kinds: [kinds.Zap] });
// start the loader
zapsLoader.subscribe((packet) => {
eventStore.add(packet.event, packet.from);
// request all zap events with #e tag === 0000d5f3364a65771487f2c0705e35e70d215a7c6d204a1ccb859011803d8010 from relays
value: "0000d5f3364a65771487f2c0705e35e70d215a7c6d204a1ccb859011803d8010",
relays: ["wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com/", "wss://nostr.wine/", "wss://nos.lol/"],