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Event Factory

The EventFactory is a class is used to provide a Signer and relay hints to the blueprints

Creating a factory

When creating a new event factory you can pass a context object in that is used by all blueprints

const signer = new SimpleSigner();

const factory = new EventFactory({
  // optionally pass a signer in (required for encryption)
  signer: signer,
  // optionally set a NIP-89 client
  client: {
    name: "My Awesome Client",
    address: {
      pubkey: "3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d",
      identifier: "awesome-client",

Relay hints

Relay hints can ge added to all event tags that support them by passing in getEventRelayHint and getPubkeyRelayHint methods into the context

const factory = new EventFactory({
  getEventRelayHint: async (event) => {
    // an async process to find the best relay hint for this event
    try {
      return await calculateRelayHint(event)
      return undefined
  getPubkeyRelayHint: async (pubkey) => {
    // an async process to find a relay hint for this pubkey
    return loadPubkeyMailboxes(pubkey).then((mailboxes) => getOutboxes(mailboxes)[0]);

Using a blueprint

The factory.create method can be used to create an event from a blueprint

await factory.create(NoteBlueprint, "hello world");

Modifying an event

The EventFactory.modify and EventFactory.modifyTags methods can be used to modify replaceable events

The first method modify takes a list of EventOperations and is useful for modifying common properties of a list event like name, description, or image

const list = {
  kind: 30003,
  content: "",
  tags: [
    ["title", "read later"],
    ["description", "notes ill read later"],

const modified = await factory.modify(
  setListTitle("read never"),
  setListDescription("I will never get around to reading these notes"),

The second method modifyTags takes of list of TagOperations and is useful for modifying the public (or hidden) tags array of a replaceable event

For example, removing an e tag from a bookmark list

const list = {
  kind: 30003,
  content: "",
  tags: [
    ["d", "bookmarked-events"],
    ["e", "00004df629c94f844e1986ba6cd5e04ef26acc966f3af10eeb085221a71c951b"],

const modified = await factory.modifyTags(
  // pass tag operations in directly to modify public tags

Or adding an inbox relay to a NIP-65 mailboxes event

const mailboxes = {
  kind: 10002,
  content: "",
  tags: [["r", "wss://", "read"]],

const modified = await factory.modifyTags(
  // will change the existing "r" tag to ["r, "wss://"] (both read and write)
  // will add a new ["r", "wss://", "write"] tag

It also supports modifying the "hidden" tags (encrypted tags array) in NIP-51 list events content

const list = {
  kind: 30003,
  content: "KRf3JTN1KcM0YduFfeHPoIXf+2H5fpdv02sU4CZ8zR0=?iv=zNnctFWMyU92HdpUl/XTOg==",
  tags: [["d", "28bn20gh82"]],

// add a signer to factory so it can decrypt
factory.context.signer = window.nostr;

// will attempt to decrypt "content" before modifying hidden tags
const modified = await factory.modifyTags(list, {
  hidden: [removeEventTag("00004df629c94f844e1986ba6cd5e04ef26acc966f3af10eeb085221a71c951b")],

Quick helper methods

Manually creating an event

The factory.process method can be used to create an event from an EventTemplate and EventOperations

import { includeSingletonTag, setContent, includeAltTag } from "applesauce-factory/operations";

await factory.process(
  { kind: 1063 },
  setContent("the bitcoin whitepaper"),
  includeAltTag("File metadata"),
  includeSingletonTag(["x", "b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553"]),
  includeSingletonTag(["size", "184292"]),
  includeSingletonTag(["m", "application/pdf"]),

Prebuilt blueprints

The NoteBlueprint can be used to create top level text notes (kind 1) and supports, quotes, emojis, and hashtags

The NoteReplyBlueprint can be used to create note replies (kind 1) to top level text note (kind 1)


The NoteReplyBlueprint only supports replying to kind 1 notes. if you need replies to other kinds use CommentBlueprint

The CommentBlueprint can be used to create NIP-22 comments on any event kind

The ReactionBlueprint can be used to create NIP-25 reactions and supports the common + and - reactions along with unicode and NIP-30 emojis

The ShareBlueprint can be used to create NIP-18 repost / share event

The DeleteBlueprint can be used to create NIP-09 delete event